
Build financial models like you're used to

Combine the flexibility of spreadsheets with built-in features for financial planning to make modeling easier than ever.

User interface of a financial modeling tool showing consolidated profit and loss with various sheets and forecast settings.

Building financial models is easy. Maintaining them is hard.

Financial models decay over time and most require heavy maintenance after just three months. Instead, rely on built-in features to future-proof your set-up.

How it works

Craft unique plans for your business

Icon depicting two overlapping rectangles, representing duplication or copy functionality.

Replicate existing logic

Bring your existing spreadsheet model and replicate the underlying logic with familiar formulas and functions.

Icon showing a simple outline of a person, symbolizing a user or account.

Readable formulas

Build financial models using readable formulas for easier debugging and collaboration.

Icon of a calendar with two horizontal lines at the top, likely representing scheduling or date selection.

Month-by-month view

Financial models follow a monthly time series, enabling you to automate all repetitive tasks.

Icon showing four small diamonds arranged in a square, symbolizing a component.

Built-in components

Leverage our built-in components to craft financial models that are easier to update over time.

“Francis was the only platform that provided the modeling flexibility we needed without requiring external consultants to manage it.”

Al-Harth Al Janaby, Finance Director at FRAMA

Icon depicting two overlapping rectangles, representing duplication or copy functionality.

Replicate existing logic

We understand the effort put into crafting a financial model tailored to your business. With Francis, you can replicate your existing model, including all assumptions, drivers, and KPIs.

Financial modeling dashboard showing a consolidated P&L section with revenue, direct costs, and gross margin. A formula calculating gross margin is displayed, dividing 'Direct costs' by 'Revenue.' The dashboard includes tabs for Modeling, Reporting, and Mapping, and displays monthly data for the year 2024.
Icon showing a simple outline of a person, symbolizing a user or account.

Human-readable formulas

Deciphering Excel formulas can be challenging. With Francis, our human-readable formula syntax simplifies auditing and collaboration. You can create formulas as usual, but now they’re easy to understand.

A comparison table showing Francis formulas on the left and their equivalent Microsoft Excel formulas on the right. Examples include AVG_LAST_YEAR(“Revenue”[0]) in Francis and AVG(B16
) in Excel, AVG_YTD(“Revenue”[0]) in Francis and AVG(B16
) in Excel, as well as other similar mappings between both formula systems.
Icon of a calendar with two horizontal lines at the top, likely representing scheduling or date selection.

Month-by-month view

Financial models in Francis follow a fixed monthly time series, aligning with finance team’s cadence and enabling automation for data imports, forecasting, variance analysis, and reporting.

A screenshot of a financial modeling dashboard for Francis Inc., displaying consolidated sheets. The left sidebar shows sheet categories like Consolidation and subcategories like UK, US, and DK, with further breakdowns for Sales, Marketing, Operations, and Admin. The right side features a consolidated P&L with data for Jan ’24, Feb ’24, and Mar ’24, as well as a Balance sheet.
Icon showing four small diamonds arranged in a square, symbolizing a component.

Built-in components

Innovating on traditional spreadsheets, built-in components make modeling faster and more robust. Additionally, components enable model updates without breaking formulas or cell references.

An annotated Profit & Loss statement highlighting sections like Revenue, Direct Costs, and OPEX. The annotations point out various elements such as 'Section' for Profit & Loss, 'Rows' for items like Subscription and Onboarding, 'Group' for Direct Costs, and 'Calculation' for Gross margin, illustrating the breakdown of financial data.


Feel free to contact us if you have other questions.

How is my Francis model smarter than Excel/Sheets?

Once you’ve built your model in Francis, all financial workflows, such as data imports, forecasting, reporting, variance analysis, and consolidation, are automated. Models also include templates and groups to make them more organized and easier to maintain.

Do I build the model myself?

You build your model yourself, but we offer support and video guides to help you. The idea is that you own your model and feel empowered to change it as you see fit, but we’re there if you need help. We prioritize flexibility so you can set up your model as you see fit.

Can you help me get started with best practices?

We offer a free one hour proof of concept session during which we set up a model for you to see it in action. You’re welcome to continue with that model onwards. Please contact to learn more.

How long does it take to learn Francis?

Francis is designed like a spreadsheet and includes several new powerful features. In our experience, users intuitively know how to navigate the spreadsheet interface and learn the new features after just a few hours of modeling.

Do you offer training?

We have video walkthroughs of the entire platform here. We also offer hands-on training as part of our onboarding program, typically three one-hour sessions. Additional training can be scheduled at a fixed rate.